
(原文)Rolling Hills is over yonder.... And the bathyspshere station is as well. And then straight on to Ryan.

(原文)This isn't right...I'm gonna need you to listen to me. I'm no sort of, botanist, but I think Ryan has just killed Arcadia...the man's put something foul into the air. Bottom of the ocean, boyo. All the oxygen comes from the trees. No trees, no oxygen. Give me a spell to think.

(原文)Ryan's woman in Arcadia is an old betty named Langford. An okay sort, but not above doing a dirty job for a dollar. If she's still kicking around, I'm sure she's gonna want to save her trees, After all, she planted the damn things.

(原文)Every time we get a yard ahead, Ryan goes and moves the goal line down to the other side of the field.


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最終更新:2007年08月29日 11:52