
(原文)My tree! It wasn't you, was it? No...Ryan!......I think I've got a way to save the trees, it's a genetic vector that...oh, look who I'm talking to...Could you find a sample of Rosa Gallica for me? ...look in the Grotto...I've got to keep working while there's time...

(原文)You've brought the Rosa Gallica? Well, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? Send it through the pneumo! Yes, this is perfect...perfect...Come on up to my office...I'm letting you in now... I think I've got just the thing to put the green back in this forest.

(原文)I've got the security system in this joint hacked, so those turrets won't bite. Come on up to my office.


(原文)Mr.Ryan...Wait...No! Please! ...Mr.Ryan!...


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最終更新:2007年08月29日 11:30