
(Early 21st Century)The New Internationalist Movement

(2013)The Mysteries Within discovered

(2015)New United Nations established

(2017)The rise of New Frontierism

(2019)Teresa Ashcroft pioneers arcanotechnology

(2023)Simon Yi begins work on D-Engine

(2026)Doctor Golvash Czeny expands on arcanotech research

(2027)Ashcroft Foundation formed

(2030)The First D-Engine

(2031)D-Engine vehicles tested

(2033)The D-Engine goes public

(2034)The Ashcroft Foundation becomes the largest corporation in the world

(2036)The development of the A-Pod

(2039 ~ 2043)Prometheus Project progress

(2040 ~ 2043)The first arcanotech mech designed

(2045 ~ 2051)Atlantis and Prometheus Projects become a reality

(2047)New Cold War begins

(2048)Arcanotech mecha evolve into weapons of war

(2050)The Hermes Project completed

(2051)First mecha war machines deployed

(2052)The Breath of R'lyeh discovered

(2053)A new enemy plots against humanity

(2054)The original Dhohanoids

(2055)Migou steal D-Engine design

(2056)Birth of Nazzadi

(2056 ~ 2059)The Migou prepare for war

(2057)Chrysails Corporations usurped by Children of Chaos

(2058)The exploration space ship Ashcroft disappears

(2059)The First Arcanotech War begins

(2059)The New Earth Government

(2060)The Children of Chaos initiate plans to bring the Old Ones forth

(2062)Ta'ge Fragments transcribed

(2062)Renegade rebellion within the Children of Chaos

(2062)New Earth Government capitol moved to Chicago

(2063)Eldritch Society formed

(2064)The Nazzadi war machine begins to fracture

(2064)The Rise of Sacred Union revealed

(2065)The First Arcanotech War ends

(2065)The first Tagers

(2066)The Migou prepare to mount a new offensive


(2067)The Shadow War begins

(2073)The coming of the Unnamed One

(2074)The Second Arcanotech War begins

(2074)Teh Disciples of the Unnamable gather

(2075 ~ 2077)The Migou invade Earth

(2075)The Children of Chaos renew the search for Cthulhu

(2076)The Esoteric Order of Dagon emerges as a new power

(2077)The Rapine Storm launches a campaign of terror

(2077)Poseidon Base destroyed

(2078)The Second Arcanotech War ends and the Aeon War begins

(2078)The Migou respond to the Cult threat

(2079)Work begins on the Engel Project

(2080)The Rapine Storm's purge continues

(2081)The Engel prototype is tested

(2081)The NEG's containment policy

(2082)Engel Phase II combat field-testing produces destructive results

(2083)A new synthesis and better Engel control

(2084)Engels successfully deployed as a new weapon




最終更新:2008年02月04日 17:04