page > 005

All Her Children


What follows is part of the introduction from ‘A Discourse on Ineffable Variety in the Empire of the Moon,’ by Cilor Negial, a sage of Irippi Ontor from Dyth in Karasal.
続くことは サイロール・ネギアル 、 Karasal の Dyth からのイリピー・オントールの賢人によって、「月の帝国(皇帝の) で言葉で言い表せない「バラエティー」の上に講演」から、イントロダクションの部分です。
By turns racy, waspish, and irreverent, it encapsulates the perspectives and prejudices of an educated Lunar who believes that the people of his Empire should outgrow their old ways.
活気がある、不愉快な、そして不遜な順番によって、それは彼の帝国(皇帝の) の人々が(彼・それ)らの古い方法に合わないほど大きくなるべきであると信じる教養を身につけているルナーの見地と偏見を要約します。
His views also appear elsewhere in this book, to provide entertainment if not education.

Our Glorious Empire comprises more than seven times seven cultures and peoples.
我々の輝かしい帝国(皇帝の) は7つの文化の7倍以上と民族を構成します。
The heart of the Empire is, of course, Glamour.
帝国(皇帝の) の心は、もちろん、グラマーです。
Never was a city more appropriately named, for its mystique, its beauty and, so an unkind soul would say, its ability to hide its flaws from the easily beguiled.
Glamour is a city of soaring bastions, glittering temples, and extraordinary sights, from the Monstrous Coliseum where gladiators fight bizarre Chaos beasts (the abusive against the abhorrent), to the silver Bridge of Dreams that arches to Moongate at the lip of the holy Crater.
グラマーは剣闘士が奇異な混沌獣(忌まわしい(人たち・もの)に対しての口汚い(人たち・もの))と戦う怪物のようなコロシアムから、神聖な噴火口の唇において Moongate にアーチ形になる夢のシルバー橋まで急騰する要塞の都市、きらきらした寺院と異常な名所、です。
I will even accept the guides’ assurances that the sprawling workers’ slums are shady and full of character, rather than dark, dirty, and dangerous.
But then, suffused as the whole Silver Shadow satrapy is by the glow of Rufelza directly overhead, where dreams come alive, so too must nightmares.

The Dara Happans of the Oslir River Valley believe themselves the truest servants of the Empire.
オスリル河谷のダラハッパ人は(彼・それ)ら自身帝国(皇帝の) の最も本当の使用人を信じます。
With so many thousands of years of unthinking obedience to unbending rules, I suppose these servants of Yelm, the Sun God feel entitled.
Still, there is more to life than being able to recite one’s ancestors to ten generations.
Traditions are everything here: men take precedence over women, and everyone knows their place.

The Pelorians, who also live along the Oslir, are a simpler and earthier folk, farmers rather than city-dwellers.
They love life with a simple gusto.
A Pelorian feast-day is a great experience, indeed, but beware their practical japes.
ペローリア人の祝祭日が、本当に、素晴らしい経験です、しかし(彼・それ)らの実用的な japes に用心してください。
Once revelers filled my wine goblet with the ink of the blue river-squid, and I was passing green water for a week.

But I could not hold it against them, for they are as innocent and thoughtless as children, unlike the Darjiini.
They worship spirits, not gods, and their debauched celebrations have an edge of darkness and danger to them.
They may seem easy-going, but I would not want to stray too far from the roads and find myself unwittingly blundering into one of their swamp-island fetish-shrines.
(彼・それ)らは温和に思われるかもしれません、しかし私は道路からあまりにも遠くて道に迷うことを望んで、そして私自身が知らずに(彼・それ)らの沼島呪物 - 神社の1にうっかり入り込んでいるのを見いださないでしょう。

The Carmanians, by contrast, are altogether more serious folk.
The descendants of invaders from the West, they are part of the Empire but still distinct.
西洋からの侵略者の子孫、(彼・それ)らは帝国(皇帝の) の部分である、しかしそれでも別です。
Their lordly karmanoi caste (with their wizards) rule them.
(彼・それ)らの尊大な karmanoi カースト制度((彼・それ)らの魔法使いと一緒に)は(彼・それ)らを支配します。
If I dared, I might suggest that they are a proud and dangerous people, prickly of their honor.
But of course I don’t.

The Pelandans who live under and to the east of the Carmanians are a fine and friendly folk: artists and dreamers, believers in balance in all things.
カルマニア人の東の下にそしてに住んでいる Pelandans は何事にも素晴らしい、そして友好的な人々:芸術家と空想家、バランスの信者です。
No wonder the Carmanians lord over them and everyone else patronizes them.

To the east, first you come to the Rinliddi, who worship a whole flock of bird gods with entertainingly grand names, and beyond them you begin to reach the new settler lands of Oraya.
東に、最初にあなたはリンリディ、 entertainingly に雄大な名前を持った鳥神々の一団全体を崇拝する人、のところに来ます、そして(彼・それ)らを越えてあなたは Oraya の新しい移住者国に着き始めます。
It is inspiring to see good Lunar folk turning the wilds into a civilized land.
But the rigors of colonization and the constant threat of the horse barbarians of Pent combine to make them a dour and simple folk, strong of heart, arm, and faith, but a little light in education and manners.
But it will come, it will come.

South again to Kostaddi, humble peasants labor to keep their arrogant masters, the Sable Rider barbarians of the Hungry Plateau in barbarous leisure.
南に再び Kostaddi に、謙虚な小作農が(彼・それ)らの横柄なマスター、残忍なレジャーでのおなかがすいた安定期のセーブル族騎手野蛮人を引き留めるために働きます。
South, further south, half-tamed Sylila, where the locals still wear their trousers under their togas and then the Provinces.
Civilization is coming to the Provinces, with its cities, roads, and subtle hypocrisies.
Sadly, bath houses come further down the list of priorities, but while upwind it is possible to be impressed by the naive fervor of their newfound devotion to Sedenya.

The Lunar Credo


I believe in the Red Goddess, Mistress of Life and Death, Who descended naked into the darkness, Was slain by the Shadow Guardian, And resurrected by the secrets of bright Spider Mother.
She conquered the Bear to rekindle the sky.
She traversed the land of the dead and overcame the Shadow Guardians, And brings us the freedom of our Seventh Soul.
She is the Mirror and She is the Mask.
She is the Substance and the Passion.



最終更新:2008年01月26日 22:55