
ニュース/200712」(2008/02/12 (火) 11:08:13) の最新版変更点



<p><strong><font color="#FF0000">The Fun Doesn't End with the Holidays for Legends of Norrath, EverQuest®, and EverQuest® II players! - 12/21/2007</font></strong> <br> - The next<em>Legends of Norrath</em>Promotion Weekend is set to begin at 2PM (PST) Friday, January 4, 2008 and conclude at 11:59PM (PST) on Sunday, January 6, 2008. During this special weekend,<em>EverQuest</em>® and<em>EverQuest® II</em>players should not only enjoy an increased rate of card pack drops, but will have the opportunity to obtain two brand new cards:<em>Chocolate Goblin</em>(2P3) and<em>Protection of the Dain</em>(2P4).</p> <div class="blog-post text-justify"> <p>For now, these two new cards will only be available during this three-day promotional weekend, so don't miss out on the chance to get them!</p> <p>- Friday, January 11, will be our monthly Loot Re-Roll Weekend! Two new Loot cards will be added to<em>Forsworn</em>Booster packs. This month's loot cards will be:<em>Visage of the Brownie Noble</em>(2EQ23) and<em>Insulated Mug</em>(2EQII23).</p> <p>- Friday, January 18th, the Raid Drop program begins! 31<em>Legends of Norrath</em>Raid cards for the Trakanon deck will begin dropping in<em>EverQuest®</em>and<em>EverQuest® II</em>. This program will last from January 18 – February 17.</p> <p>- Saturday, January 19 to Sunday, January 20, will feature loot tournaments in<em>Legends of Norrath</em>in which participants will receive the promotional card<em>Mayong Mistmoore</em>(2P5) with artwork by Jim Lee, and a choice of two loot cards:<em>Bridle of the Viridian Cragslither</em>(2EQP1) or<em>Cloak of Di'Zok</em>(2EQIIP1).</p> <p>- And last but certainly not least, January 26-27 is the January<em>Legends of Norrath</em>Championship Qualifier. This is a qualifying tournament for the Championships at GenCon!</p> <p>Don't miss these great events!</p> </div> <p>1月のイベント情報です。<br> まとめ:<br> <strong>Promotion Weekend:1/5 7:00~1/7 16:59(日本時間)</strong><br> Chocolate Goblin (2P3)とProtection of the Dain (2P4)がDropします。<br> <br> <strong>Loot Re-Roll:1/11</strong> Lootの追加と、再判定による入手チャンス!<br> EQ1:Visage of the Brownie Noble (2EQ23)<br> EQ2:Insulated Mug (2EQII23)<br> <br> <strong>Raid Drop: 1/18~2/17<br></strong>Trakanon用の31枚のRaid用カードが、EQ/EQ2内でDropします。<br> お手軽にHosted Raidを開催するチャンス!<br> <br> <strong>Loot Tournament: 1/19~1/20</strong><br> 今後のTournament Pack販売の参考までに。<br> Mayong Mistmoore(2P5)及び、以下のLootから1枚選択<br> EQ1:Bridle of the Viridian Cragslither (2EQP1) <br> EQ2:Cloak of Di'Zok (2EQIIP1)<br> <br> <strong>LoN Championship Qualifier: 1/26、27</strong><br> Tournamentなので基本無関係です。<br> <br> 結構みっちりイベント詰めてきてます。<br> 改めて個別の告知はあると思われますが、とりあえず要チェック!<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Community Get Together in Las Vegas!!!  - 12/21/2007</font><br></strong>If you are going to be in Las Vegas on January 8th and find yourself craving a Warp Core Breach and great conversation, come on down to QUARK'S BAR AND RESTAURANT at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas and hang out with the SOE Community Relations Team! The gang will be in town for CES, so head on over and meet the community folks from your favorite SOE games and perhaps share a dry iced filled drink!</p> <p>What: Community Get Together</p> <p>Where: Quark's Bar and Restaurant in the Hilton Hotel, 3000 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89109</p> <p>When: 7:00 p.m. PST, January 8th<br> <br> "1/8にラスベガスで騒いでっから君らも来ればいいじゃない?"て趣旨でしょうか。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Legends of Norrath's First Expansion, Forsworn, Launches Today! - 12/19/2007<br></font></strong>You were teased with Oozes and Goblins, awed by<em>Terin's Battle Axe</em>and<em>Cyndra's Barbed Spear</em>. Now, your patience is rewarded.<em>Forsworn</em>, the first expansion to<em>Legends of Norrath</em>, releases today! Join in the battles against the forces of Chaos, or forsake your oath to the Tribunal and fight the Oathbound on the side of the Forsworn in this 230-plus card addition to<em>Legends of Norrath</em>. Get the scoop on all the new features<a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/forsworn.vm"><font color= "#002BB8">here</font></a>. Then head over to the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/forums/show.m?forum_id=31"><font color="#002BB8">Design &amp; Strategy Articles</font></a>forum where you'll find over 25 articles by the LoN game designers.<br> <br> Starting today and running through the weekend, the Tournaments Lobby will be hosting Release Events. Every participant will receive a<em>Runnyeye Warmonger</em>(2P2) digital promo card! Please see the<a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/community.vm?Id=100"><font color= "#002BB8">announcement</font></a>for details. Don't miss it!<br> <br> ついに本日リリースです!<strike>もうウチに帰りたく<br></strike><br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">TCGPlayer.com Exclusive Launch Interview! -12/19/2007</font></strong><br> TCGPlayer.com has an exclusive<a href= "http://www.tcgplayer.com/db/game_review.asp?AID=2070&amp;PID=227&amp;DBID=4"><font color="#002BB8">launch interview</font></a>with designer Chuck Kallenbach! Check out this article full of information and great card images!<br> <br> インタビューその2。<br> これも適当に抜粋します。<br> <br> (Forswornにおけるストーリーについて)<br> You release two ancient dragons from their prisons and fight alongside them, and eventually even battle Rallos Zek, the Avatar of War!<br> Trakanon以外のドラゴンと、Rallos Zekがエンカウンターとして追加される雰囲気。<br> <br> We are keeping things epic in terms of the storylines from EverQuest® and EverQuest® II that we are adapting. At the same time, we are advancing our own Oathbound story.<br> Epicエンカウンターに関しては、EQ/EQ2ベースで作り込み、ストーリーラインはOathboundから続くオリジナルのものに準拠する形。<br> <br> (次期セットについて)<br> If you check out the list of all the character classes in EverQuest and EverQuest II, you will see that we have a few more to include yet, such as monks, bruisers, bards, troubadours, and more for enchanters and illusionists!<br> (enchanters and illusionists?)ENCも追加されるそうです。<br> <br> こちらは、TenTonHammerほど突っ込んだ質疑応答では無い様子。<br> 重複内容もそこそこあるので適当に流します。<br> <br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">TenTonHammer.com Interview with Developer Chuck Kallenbach! - 12/19/2007</font></strong><br> Be sure to check out this<a href= "http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/16003"><font color= "#002BB8">interview</font></a>on TenTonHammer.com with<em>Legends of Norrath</em>:<em>Forsworn</em>Developer Chuck Kallenbach, featuring a preview of the<em>Forsworn</em>card<em>Antonia Bayle</em>!<br> <br> インタビューその1。<br> 斜め読みでそれっぽい情報だけ抜粋します。<br> <br> There are a couple of modes of play – as with the single-player scenarios, you can earn reward cards for completing the raid scenarios against the AI.    One of these reward cards will be a ‘Raid Boss’ avatar that lets you take on teams of players in the casual games lobby. <br> Raidシナリオの報酬として、Raidボスのアバターが手に入る?<br> <br> We’ve got additional raid avatars and entire raid decks that we’ll be giving out to players in some upcoming activities in January, as well.<br> 次のRaidシナリオリリースは1月中?<br> <br> In games with more than two players, there are always three quest locations. A player normally can only reach two of these quests. (In a four-man raid, the wing players can only reach one.) If a player on a team is eliminated, then the remaining players sometimes are able to reach more quests. Depends on where they’re sitting.<br> ・マルチプレイヤーでのクエストの配置は3つ固定。<br> ・4人プレイならば、<br>    Q1  Q2  Q3<br> P1   P2    P3   P4<br> こんな風に配置?されて、P1及びP4はそれぞれQ1、Q3にしか直接干渉できない<br> ・上の配置で、P2が敗北すると、P1がP2の位置に入る?<br> ・初期配置で、クエストを置けなかったプレイヤーのLv2クエストはゲームから除去され、代わりに初期手札に1枚追加。(フォーラムで確認した情報)<br> <br> (Avatar Racesに関する質問に)<br> We’ve got a plan for the first seven sets that introduces two new races with each one. <br> 7つ目のセットまでは、リリース毎に2種族を追加する予定<br> <br> The next set will have cards for Bards and Monks, for example.<br> 次のセットではモンクとバードが!<br> <br> (次のセットのリリース時期に関して)<br> Sometime in the first quarter of the new year.<br> 来年3月までに第3弾リリース!<br> <br> 今後の流れまで飛び出した、予想以上に濃い情報でした。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Get the LON Newsletter! -12/18/2007</font></strong><br> Want to be 'in the know' regarding everything Legends of Norrath related? <br> <br> Well, you can't be unless you're opted-in for the newsletter! <br> <br> Signing up is a breeze -- simply go here and click on "Get Newsletter" towards the bottom of the left navigation bar. Then sign into Station.com and you'll arrive at the Email Settings Page. Under "Games" click on "Legends of Norrath: Oathbound" (and any other game newsletters you want), hit "OK" at the bottom, and you're set! <br> <br> We told you it was easy. Now, just get ready to receive the latest and greatest information about promotions, activities, tournaments and more!<br> <br> ここのニュースは、基本的に<br> <a href="http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/community.vm"><font color= "#002BB8">http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/community.vm</font></a><br> からの情報転載と、極稀に補足情報を外部から仕入れる形で更新してます。<br> 更新も1日1回程度ですので、出来るだけリアルタイムに情報の欲しい方は、↑のニュースレターを受け取るように設定してみてはいかがでしょうか?<br> <strike>まだ未確認なので、内容に関してはノーコメントです。</strike><br> 確認したレベルでNewsletterの設定方法を。<br> <strong>1.</strong>公式ホームページを開いたら、左のメニューより"Get Newsletter"を選ぶそうですが・・・<br> ※ウチの環境では項目の画像が見えないので、ショートカットが<br> <a href= "https://account.station.sony.com/authenticated/cam/updateOptIns!input.action"><font color="#002BB8"> https://account.station.sony.com/authenticated/cam/updateOptIns!input.action</font></a><br> のものを選びました。<br> <strong>2.</strong>すると、Station.comのサイトに移動しますので、LoNアカウント(である必要はありませんが)でログインします。<br> <strong>3.</strong>直接メール設定のページが開きますので、メールアドレスが正しいものであることを確認してから、<br> メーリングリストの設定をします。<br> ※ここで示されているのは、Games以下のLegends of Norrath: Oathboundだそうですが…<br> とりあえず、ゲームの下にはPlatform Publishingしかないのでそれをチェックしました。<br> すぐにメールが来るわけもありませんので、とりあえずメール着信を確認し次第アップデートします。<br> Forsworn前夜なので、アタリなら何か来てるはず…<br> <br> <font color="#FF0000"><strong>GameDaily's Babe of the Week: Cyndra - 12/17/2007<br></strong></font>Please check out the many sides (11 to be exact) of<em>Legends of Norrath's</em>fiery red head, Cyndra, as featured on GameDaily's<a href= "http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/galleries/babe-of-the-week-everquests-cyndra/134/"><font color="#002BB8">Babe of the Week</font></a>profile.<br> <br> ココについて言いたいのは、<font size="2">9枚目がちょっとヤバイ</font>とかそういう話ではなくて。<br> おそらくOathbound/Forsworn用に描かれたArtworkを使い回してそうな雰囲気なので、<br> Forswornまでの繋ぎとして、ちょいちょいと目を通してみるのはどうでしょう、という振りでした。<br> 8枚目のGloves of the VigilantあたりそのままItemで出るんじゃないでしょうか。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Firiona Tournament Pack Available in the Legends of Norrath Store 12/17-12/24 -12/17/2007</font></strong><br> Need a last-minute gift for that LoN, EQ, or EQ2 player in your life? Here's a chance to get the Firiona Vie (1P8) promo card and one of the Burning Touch (1EQIIP3) or Visage of Queen Pyrilonis (1EQP3) Loot Cards, as well as three (3) Oathbound Booster Packs, all in one package! This Tournament Pack will be on sale in the Legends of Norrath store from 12/17 at 3PM PST to 12/24 at 3PM PST.<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Firiona_Tournament_Pack.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Firiona Tournament Pack</font></a><br> <br> これはこれでテンションの下がる内容です。<br> Firionaはいいんですが、おまけが既存Lootでちょっとガッカリです。<br> ともかく、12/18 8:00~12/25 8:00(日本時間)の販売です。お見逃しなく!<br> 追記↓<br> <a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6487"><font color="#002BB8"> http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6487</font></a><br> [SOE]Acadia:<br> The store description for the Firiona Tournament Pack is incorrect so we have temporarily removed it from the store. As soon as it's corrected we will put it back up in the store and announce it here and in the Message of the Day. <br> <strike>Storeでの販売において、何らかの不具合があったようで、現在は差し止められているそうです。<br> 修正後、また販売は再開されますのでご安心を。</strike><br> 19日3時ごろ修正完了のアナウンスがあったようです。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Forsworn Release Weekend Events! - 12/17/2007</font></strong><br> Celebrate the release of Forsworn with release weekend sealed deck tournaments. Each player that enters a Forsworn release weekend sealed deck tournament will receive one (1) random Forsworn starter deck and three (3) Forsworn booster packs to build their tournament deck. In addition, an exclusive promotional card, Runnyeye Warmonger (2P2), will be given to all players that participate in these events.<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Runnyeye-Warmonger.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Runnyeye Warmonger<br></font></a><br> The details of each event are as follows:<br> <br> Forsworn Release Event<br> <br> Entry Fee: 20 Event Passes<br> Format/Deck: Single Game Sealed Deck<br> 256-player event<br> Each player will receive one random Forsworn Starter Deck and 3 Forsworn Booster Packs to build their tournament deck.<br> Reward: Every player will receive a Runnyeye Warmonger (2P2) digital promo card for participating.<br> 1st Place: 12 Forsworn Booster Packs<br> 2nd Place: 10 Forsworn Booster Packs<br> 3rd Place: 8 Forsworn Booster Packs<br> 4th Place: 6 Forsworn Booster Packs<br> 5th – 32nd Place: 3 Forsworn Booster Packs<br> Everyone Else: 2 Forsworn Booster Packs<br> Rewards will scale with number of players<br> 6-8 Rounds<br> Be sure to check the Events Calendar for specific times of the Forsworn Release Weekend Events.<br> <br> 詳細略。<br> 例によって参加不可能ですが、Forswornリリース記念でトーナメントが開催されます。<br> Promo Cardが付いてくるので一応Reminderとして…<br> <br> <font color="#FF0000"><strong>Forsworn Launch Week: An Avatar is Born - 12/17/2007</strong></font><br> by Evan "Heimlich" Lorentz, Game Designer at SOE Denver<br> <br> With the launch of Oathbound, players had their choice of six different avatar races, each with three different kinds of game text. Combine those options with the four different archetypes and several possible configurations of attack, defense, and health, and there was plenty of variety for players to explore.<br> <br> But it was never our intention to stop there. Once Forsworn arrives, two more races will be added to the mix, each with three game texts of their own -- Iksar and High Elf. And both races take avatars in interesting new directions.<br> <br> One of the exciting aspects of deck design in Legends of Norrath is faction: whether you intend for your avatar to turn shadow or light (or to stay neutral). The six original Oathbound avatar races could support any of those choices with fairly equal results. But when the Forsworn designers turned to the Iksar and High Elf races, we decided to take another approach. When you create an Iksar avatar, chances are you'll be planning to use it in a shadow strategy. The same goes for a High Elf avatar and a light strategy. This is because, for the first time, the characteristics of light and shadow will be used in avatar game text.</p> <p>Take a look at this Iksar example: <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Iksar-Avatar.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Iksar Avatar Example</font></a><br> <br> There are many great ways to make use of text like this in any of the four archetypes, but Lovecraft here is a Mage, specifically to take advantage of all the new necromancer cards in Forsworn. For just one example, consider the Restless Bones pet that's already been previewed. Use this Iksar avatar to bring that one Shadow card back from your discard pile, and soon as many as three others might follow it!<br> <br> Lovecraft has one of two Iksar avatar texts specifically geared for a shadow deck. On the reverse side of the coin, you'll find two of the High Elf avatar texts tailored to a light strategy. But if you want to play neutral, or reverse expectations, don't worry. The third option for each of these new races is as unrestricted as the six races of Oathbound. Here's the High Elf example of this:<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/High-Elf-Avatar.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> High Elf Example</font></a><br> <br> There are, of course, as many uses for this text as there are items in the game. But I find my most item-intensive decks are for the Fighter archetype. With this High Elf avatar, you can use your Shield of Strife for defense on your opponent's turn, yet still have it available for attack in your next quest phase. And did somebody say "Fiery Avenger?" Or, if Fighters aren't necessarily your brand of fun, how about getting 1 extra power from your Flowing Black Silk Sash on one turn, but still getting an extra level token on the quest phase of your next turn?<br> <br> As before, you don't have to search booster packs to find avatars -- they're just a few mouse-clicks away. So you can bet the new Iksar and High Elf avatars are going to be showing up the moment Forsworn arrives. Will you "respec" one of your favorite Oathbound decks to use one, or build a brand-new deck with a new avatar at the center? It's all up to you.<br> <br> Discuss this article in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?start=0&amp;topic_id=6476"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> Forswornで作成可能なカスタムアバターの紹介です。<br> どちらを見ても、各方面がNerf! Nerf!言いそうなステキ性能です。<br> 上の文中にもありますが、HighElf+Fiery Avengerあたり面白そうです。<br> <br> 補足、というより小ネタ:<br> 少し前に、Dark/Wood/High ElfがTrait上で"Elf"になっているのは何故だろう、と書いた覚えがありますが、↑のForumスレッドにて同様の質問&回答がありました。<br> <br> [SOE]Shocho:<br> Yep. We decided that for unit cards, we'd show different Elf types by their alignment: Light Elf units are High Elves (like Firiona in<em>Oathbound</em>), Shadow Elf units are Dark Elves, and Neutral Elf units are Wood Elves. We're changing the traits on the avatar cards to match this, which means that all the Elven avatars just have the trait of "Elf." We're hoping that players can tell from the images and other contexts which Elf an avatar represents.<br> (意訳)うん、LightのElf=High Elf、ShadowはDark Elf、NeutralだとWood Elfということで。<br> あ、カスタムアバターもそれに合わせちゃったんで脳内変換ヨロシクー<br> <br> ということで、そういう風に決めた(=We decided that)そうです。<br> とりあえず、アバターいじってうっかりデッキ使用不可能、みたいな事態にならなければいいんですが…<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Legends of Norrath Loot Re-Roll, Friday December 14th! - 12/14/2007</font></strong><br> Ho ho ho, there's no better time for the Legends of Norrath Loot Re-roll! This month Santug is stopping by on Friday, December 14th to get this month's loot cards out before the holidays. Every month, we'll add two new loot cards to Legends of Norrath Oathbound booster packs. And not only will the new loot be available in unopened booster packs, every booster pack that's already been opened has a chance to receive one of these cards!</p> <p><font color="#0000FF"><strong>This month's cards:</strong></font><br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Visage-of-the-Ice-Golem-.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Visage of the Ice Golem(EQ1)</font></a><br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Legend-of-Norrath.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Legend of Norrath(EQ2)</font></a><br> <br> Be sure to visit LoN every Re-Roll day to see if you've received a new loot card. Happy Holidays!<br> <br> 恒例のLoot-Rerollです。<br> 今回も絶妙に渋かった模様ですが、(EQ2は)モノが称号なので、人によって反応も様々でした。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">TCGPlayer.com Forsworn Preview: Stinking Badger - 12/14/2007<br></font></strong>TCGPlayer.com will be featuring a preview of the<em>Forsworn</em>card<em>Stinking Badger</em>this week, with an article by Chuck Kallenbach. Be sure to<a href= "http://www.tcgplayer.com/db/game_review.asp?AID=2061&amp;PID=227&amp;DBID=4"><font color="#002BB8">check it out</font></a>!<br> <br> ・・・バジャーの癖に結構えげつない性能です。<br> 出れば全Unitをそのクエストから退けて、なおかつ相手がUnitを置けば"Sentinel"でDefence強化。<br> コスト自体の高さと、もう片方のクエストが乱戦になるのが怖くはありますが、Froglok Herbalistのような能力を持つUnitと相性の良い能力です。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Forsworn Multiplayer Week: Get Your Raiding Party Ready - 12/13/2007 </font></strong><br> By Chuck Kallenbach<br> <br> Now that you know how to play as a team with three quest locations, it's time to talk about the most exciting new gameplay format for Forsworn. Raids! At launch, we'll provide two raids for you and your friends to test your decks against, and they're free for all players.<br> <br> <font color="#0000FF"><strong>Goblin Dojo</strong></font><br> <br> The two-man raid is called "Goblin Dojo." Bring a friend to face the Storm Reach Sensei, a Goblin who runs a dojo that trains young warriors in the Thundercrest Isles. You've been challenged to defend the honor of the Oathbound.<br> <br> You'll face a total of four waves of highly-trained Goblin opponents. Once you destroy the last unit of a wave of Goblins, the next wave appears on the Sensei's next turn. When the game begins, you'll see the five Goblin units called Disciples. The second wave is the four Emotions, the third is the three Grandmasters, and the fourth is the two brothers, Silk and Steel. That's fourteen units you have to defeat just to get to the final round!<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Grandmaster-Beetle.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Grandmaster Beetle<br></font></a><br> The Sensei himself is your avatar opponent, but as long as he has even one of his Goblin students on the playmat, he's<strong><font color= "#0000FF">Invulnerable</font></strong>. That's a new keyword that means what you think it means: He doesn't take damage. You can't win by questing, but the Sensei can, so you have to make sure he doesn't finish four quests too easily.<br> <br> Once you defeat all the students, you face the Sensei himself. When you take him down, you've completed the Goblin Dojo raid!<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Trakanon</font></strong><br> <br> The Iksar city now called Old Sebilis is in ruins because a mighty undead dragon named Trakanon laid waste to it. Now, that dragon is entombed in a cavern of many passageways and chambers. You and three other friends can try to defeat him in his very lair!<br> <br> This four-man raid provides three different phases for you to conquer. First, you face a ghostly avatar called the Pained Soul. It's also invulnerable, so the only way to get past it is questing. When you as a group complete a total of seven quests, the Pained Soul is destroyed. Of course, this raid boss avatar will be making that difficult by playing tons of awesome units.<br> <br> Once you defeat Pained Soul, you enter the dungeon of Old Sebilis itself. All the players' quests are wiped clean, and your new adversary is the Iksar leader Emperor Chottal. He's not invulnerable, but he gets a +2 rune when any avatar attacks him, so send in your best units.<br> <br> When you've defeated Chottal, you face the dragon Trakanon. He has special cards playable only in this third phase, and I hope you've brought a healer and kept him alive! Trakanon gets a +2 rune also, but only when your units attack. It's time for you to be the heroes! Send in your avatars and finish the job, and you'll win the raid!<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Trakanons-Touch.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Trakanon's Touch<br></font></a><br> You may be wondering how one AI controlled avatar, even with special cards in his deck, can survive playing against four live players. Just wait till you see the cards this raid boss gets to use! Since these cards can only be used by a raid boss in a four-man raid, they have amazing effects.<br> <br> We have found that players very much enjoy the planning that goes on with every decision in a raid. Teamwork is key to defeating the enemy, and you'll want to build special decks that work together for each different raid. Each time you participate in a winning raid with a new archetype, you'll receive a reward card, just like beating a scenario. Which player guild will be the first to defeat the Storm Reach Sensei or Trakanon?<br> <br> Discuss this article in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6405"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> 結構気になる人も居る?Raidコンテンツの詳細です。<br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">two-man Raid(プレイヤー2人):Goblin Dojo</font></strong><br> Storm Reach Senseiというゴブリンがメインターゲットで、<strong><u>1体でもUnit(文中では"Student"ですが)が場に存在する限りInvulnerable(無敵)</u></strong>という特殊能力(新キーワード)を得ます。<br> Invulnerable:このキーワードを持つものはダメージを受けない<br> (※訳注:ここの解釈は、文脈を見た感じおそらくコレでいいんじゃないかと思っていますが、「Unitが居ると無敵」自体がInvulnerableの能力だったらゴメンナサイ。)<br> さらに、クエストによる勝利判定は相手のみ(こちら側がクエスト4つを完了しても勝利しない)です。<br> 相当に早いUnit除去/十分なダメージソース/時間稼ぎのためのクエスト完了阻害が要求されそうです。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">four-man Raid(プレイヤー4人):Old Sebilis</font></strong><br> イクサーの旧都Sebilisを滅ぼしたドラゴン、Trakanonとの戦いです。<br> Trakanon攻略のためには3つのフェイズ(=3体のアバター)が待っています。<br> 1)対Pained Soul:Pained Soulも、<strong><u>Invulnerable能力</u></strong>を持っていて、<strong><u>クエストによってのみ攻略可能</u></strong>です。<br> 2)対Emperor Chottal:<strong><u>アバターによる攻撃を受けた時に+2 rune</u></strong>を得るため、Unitによる戦闘を行いましょう。<br> 3)対Trakanon:<strong><u>Unitによる攻撃を受けたときに+2rune</u></strong>を得たり、<strong><u>独自のアビリティ</u></strong>を使用することもあります。<br> 全体を通して、クエスト/Unit/アバターと、その全てが十分な能力を持っていないと苦労しそうです。<br> <br> これはまた、予想以上に苦労しそうなコンテンツです。<br> どちらも、ある程度の総合的な能力が問われそうな雰囲気で、事前に打ち合わせしておかないと苦労しそうです。<br> タンク/DPS/ヒーラーおよびクエスト/戦闘の取捨選択とバランス取りはしっかりと。<br> <br> ちなみに、フォーラムでは既に<br> <strong><u>At launch</u>,</strong>we'll provide two raids for you and your friends to test your decks against, and they're<strong><u>free for all players.</u></strong><br> この一文を目ざとく見つけていて、「追加コンテンツは<strong>Event Pass何枚か</strong>」という話にまでなっています(冗談半分でしょうが)。<br> ・・・そういう意味じゃないことを祈ってます。<br> <br> Forswornリリースまであと1週間!<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Forsworn Multiplayer Week: Four-sworn - 12/12/2007<br></font></strong>by Evan "Heimlich" Lorentz, Game Designer at SOE Denver<br> <br> Some of my favorite games of Legends of Norrath have been the ones where I've had fun even when I ultimately lost. It happens more often than you might think. Maybe you faced one of the highest rated players of the game, and managed to hold your own for a while. Maybe he busted loose on you with a really clever new deck strategy you hadn't thought of before, and now you're inspired to try something like it yourself. Maybe you and your opponent had a really close struggle, where he only had 1 health left when he dealt you the fatal blow.<br> <br> Well how cool would it be if the next time you started a Legends of Norrath game, that player was your ally instead of your enemy? With 2-vs-2 team play, you can do exactly that!<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">The Playing Field</font></strong><br> <br> The set-up of a four player team game is pretty straight-forward -- it looks like two separate "normal" games placed side by side on a single virtual "table," but sharing the center quest. To some extent, you might think of the player directly across from you as your "primary opponent." You share the two quests that sit on either side of your avatar, and you're likely to conflict with him (both in combat and in questing) more than your second opponent. You'll only draw power in the first phase of your turn from the two quests your avatar "can reach"; that is, each time the quest on the far side of the playmat from you is completed, it will add 1 power per turn for your teammate and his primary opponent, but not for you and your primary opponent.<br> <br> As you can see, this makes the center quest of particular strategic importance, because it benefits all four players equally. All four of you can quest towards the center. And what's more, if you and your teammate have units at the center quest and neither opponent does, then you can raid either opposing avatar from there. You may want to constantly gang up on one player until his avatar is destroyed, or you might make attacks of opportunity, going against the player with less ready defense or fewer cards in hand (and therefore, probably fewer tactics to play against you).<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">The Best of Both Worlds</font></strong><br> <br> Players who have sampled the fun Booster Draft tournament format have seen for themselves how exciting it can be to combine cards of two different archetypes. It opens up all sorts of great card combos that aren't normally possible, and can lead to situations you'd never find in standard play. Team play can combine that fun of mixing and matching archetypes with the freedom of using any of the cards in your collection. All you have to do is work with your teammate when building decks, and deliberately choose different archetypes for your two decks. You could even plan for one of your avatars to turn shadow while the other turns light!<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">We're All Friends Here</font></strong><br> <br> The cards you may want to consider most when constructing a deck for team play are the ones that use the word "friendly" in their game text -- cards like this one: <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Insidious-Promise.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Insidious Promise</font></a><br> <br> In a multiplayer game, "friendly" cards aren't just the ones you played -- they're any cards played by your teammate as well. Say you have a pretty good hand, but you can't seem to draw any units. Your teammate might be able to pick up the slack there. When you play Insidious Promise, the unit or units you give that +2 attack to might be his instead of yours. And better still if you've turned Shadow and you both have units around, having both played them at that oh-so-important center quest. Insidious Promise will then boost all of those units!<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">For You, The War is Over</font></strong><br> <br> If only you could win every team game you'll ever play. Of course, that can't really happen -- sometimes you or your teammate will be eliminated by fatal damage to your avatar. When a player is knocked out this way, all his tokens and cards are removed from the game, except for any of his quests already out on the playmat. And from that point, it will fall to the surviving teammate to try to pull out the victory. Though now outnumbered, he will get one strategic advantage -- he'll now be able to access all three quests on the playmat, questing to any of them, playing units to any of them, and drawing power for all the quests that were completed throughout the game in any of those three slots. But then, he'll be vulnerable to enemy raids from any of those quests as well, so he will have a tough road to climb. But what a story you'll have to tell when you pull out a come-from-behind victory in this kind of situation!<br> <br> 2-vs-2 team play will add a whole new realm of possibilities of Legends of Norrath. In a way, Forsworn cards won't be the only "new cards" coming to the game -- the possibilities of working with a teammate will make you reconsider lots of Oathbound cards in entirely new ways.<br> <br> Good luck and good hunting!<br> <br> Discuss this article in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6392"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> Friendly…マルチプレイヤー向けにこういう表現も。<br> Oathboundのカードには、後付けで"Friendly"対象になったりしないもんでしょうか・・・<br> コストとの兼ね合いも気になるところですが。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Multiplayer Is Here! - 12/11/2007</font></strong><br> Multiplayer is Here!<br> By Chuck Kallenbach, Game Designer<br> <br> One of the coolest things about MMOs is getting together with your friends and teaming up to fight a common foe. So far, the combat in Legends of Norrath has been a one-on-one contest between avatars. But that's all about to change! Welcome to Multiplayer Week!<br> <br> Forsworn introduces multiplayer games, which we define as any game with more than one player on either side. That includes a two-versus-two team game as well as a raid game with several players versus a single player (that single player will usually be controlled by a computer AI).<br> <br> Of course, this raises all kinds of gameplay questions. My goal today is to lay the groundwork for the basic concepts of multiplayer games, and we'll flesh out the details of the various formats later in this week.<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Three quest locations<br></font></strong><br> Multiplayer games will always have three quests in play. That's a left and right quest as before and a new center quest location. Players will normally still be able to "reach" two quests, so when you play units you will choose one of two locations like you're used to. Sometimes, when your teammates have left the game, you'll be able to choose any one of the three quests to play your units, but that's not the norm.<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Moving around is fun!<br></font></strong><br> You've probably already used Decoy in a two-player game to gain a tactical advantage. Imagine moving across a playmat with three quests in play! Cards that move units from one quest to another can now choose where they're going. The Reinforce keyword you learned about is lots of fun in multiplayer too.<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Friendly with your teammates<br></font></strong><br> When you're on a team of more than one player, you're all considered to be "friendly" teammates. "Friendly" means what you think it does: When you're able to heal a friendly unit, for example, you can heal one of your units or any unit belonging to any one of your teammates. Players can whisper in chat to each other for secret conferencing.<br> <br> <font color="#0000FF"><strong>Commandeering</strong></font><br> <br> When a battle takes place, there is still one player making all the decisions for each side. If you're launching a raid from a quest that has some of your teammate's units, you'll commandeer them for the duration of the battle. Only you can play tactics and use their combat activated actions.<br> <br> When you begin a raid from the center quest, if there are no opposing units there, you can choose which avatar to attack! If your raid is opposed by enemy units, the defending player will be the one who has the most units at the raid location. If it's a tie, the attacker gets to decide who defends.<br> <br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Victory</font></strong><br> <br> When any single player on a team completes a fourth quest, that team wins the game. Level tokens and quest completion is tracked by player, not by team. Your team can also win by destroying all opposing avatars. When a player leaves the game, all of that player's tokens and cards are removed, except for any quests on the playmat belonging to that player.<br> <br> Preview card? Is that what I hear you saying? You want all this cool new info and a preview card too? Oh okay, then...<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Fire-Giant.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Fire Giant</font></a><br> <br> Here's a new unit with a couple of nifty multiplayer effects. The Fire Giant boosts the attack of your teammates' units as well as your own. Plan with your team to dump units to the same quest and then drop this guy to launch a crushing raid you're sure to win. On later turns, use the Giant's Reinforce keyword to send him where he's needed and add his great stats to any combat.<br> <br> Discuss this article in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6373"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> Forswornから実装されるマルチプレイヤー・・・さすがに詳細な仕様が上がってきました。<br> ・クエストが1箇所増えて、左/右/中央で展開する形に<br> ・DecoyやReinforce能力は、3箇所のクエストを自由に移動できる<br> ・マルチプレイヤー時、Unitへのヒールは、味方Unitにも適用できる(制限なし?)<br> ・Players can whisper in chat to each other for secret conferencing.<br> →解釈1:チーム内のコミュニケーションには/whisperを使え<br> →解釈2:チャットでは、チーム内での内緒話が出来る<br> 2だと思いたいんですが、どっちとも取れる気がするので・・・<br> ・味方のUnitを含むRaidでは、そのUnitを含めて操作を行える?(これも適用範囲がイマイチ・・・)<br> ・3つあるクエストのうち、左側のクエストからは左側のアバターに、右側のクエストからは右側のアバターにしか攻撃できない。(ここも、アビリティ等が絡むとどうなるのか・・・)<br> →もちろん中央は共通で、Unit攻撃が通る場合は左右選択可能。<br> ・クエストによる勝利は、誰か一人が達成した時点でそのチームの勝利。<br> ・level tokenはプレイヤー単位で管理。<br> ・アバター撃破による勝利は、”全ての”アバターを倒した時点で決定する。<br> ・プレイヤーがゲームを去った場合、その時点でプレイマットにあるクエストを除き、そのプレイヤーの全てのカードとトークンが除去される。<br> <br> 把握しきれてないところもありますが、とりあえず"中央厚めに"が基本でしょうか。<br> (ウソ言ってたらすいません。)<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Saving Santug! - 12/10/2007</font></strong><br> This holiday season Legends of Norrath™ players will be able to save the jolliest of Norrath denizens, Santug Claugg, from the clutches of the cold-hearted Grinnuch. Starting December 21, 2007 through January 2, 2008 players will be able to get into the Holiday spirit with a special Legends of Norrath Holiday scenario featuring The Grinnuch and his army of miscreants as they try to ruin Frostfell for all the girls and boys of Norrath. Each time you defeat The Grinnuch in the "Saving Santug" scenario with a new deck archetype, you will free Santug and earn a special Santug Claugg promotional card!<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Santug-Claugg.jpg"><font color="#5A3696"> Santug Claugg<br></font></a><br> Santug Claugg has special presents for holiday tournament players as well! Each player that plays in a "Holiday Bonus" tournament will receive a Santug's Stocking promotional pack. Each pack will contain items randomly selected from the following list:<br> <br> - Santug Suit Promotional Card<br> - Santug's List Promotional Card<br> - Lump of Coal Promotional Card<br> - Forsworn Booster Pack<br> - Oathbound Booster Pack<br> - 1 Event Pass<br> - 3 Event Passes<br> - Oathbound Loot Card<br> - Forsworn Loot Card<br> - Loot Card of your Choice<br> - A random Legends of Norrath Physical Poster Art<br> - One of five framed and signed sets of the Jim Lee Oathbound cards, Firiona Vie, Guardian of Growth; Lucan D'lere, Ruthless Tactician; Mayong Mistmoore, Evasive Foe <br> <br> On top of that, the winner of each "Holiday Bonus" tournament will receive a foil version of one of the following Santug Claugg promo cards:<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Santug-Suit.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Santug Suit<br></font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Santugs-List.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Santug's List<br></font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Lump-of-Coal.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Lump of Coal</font></a><br> <br> There's more! Log into the game December 25th, 2007 for a special stocking stuffer surprise!<br> <br> Save Frostfell for all of Norrath and have a Happy Holidays from the Legends of Norrath team!<br> <br> * Please allow 4 to 6 weeks delivery for the physical poster and print prizes.<br> <br> <br> <strong>まとめ</strong><br> 対象期間:12/22 10:00~1/2 16:59<br> 1)シナリオモードに"Saving Santug"が追加、クリアすると"Santug Claugg(2P4)"が貰える<br> 2)"Holyday Bonus"トーナメントに参加すると"Santug's Stocking"のPromo-Packが貰え、上のリストにあるものからランダムで1つ貰える。<br> 3)"Holyday Bonus"トーナメントの勝者は、Santug Suit/Santug's List/Lump of Coalのfoil版カードを1枚貰える<br> 4)25日(現地時間、日本では同日17:00~26日17:00?)にログインするとstockingが貰える?<br> <br> 毎年この時期はいい仕事をするSOEがやってくれました。<br> 延々Drop乱獲やPromo-Pack販売待ちより、こういった方向でイベントを進めてくれると有難いんですが・・・<br> Event Calendarによると、<br> For all the details visit the Saving Santug article that will be posted on December 14th.(詳細は14日に)<br> とのことなので、その頃また情報をアップデートします。<br> <br> ※ トーナメントの参加可否については、とりあえず”確認中”とさせてください。<br> <br> A random<em>Legends of Norrath</em>Physical Poster Art←これがちょっと気になったりしてます。<br> <br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">New Legends of Norrath Expansion Coming Soon! Loot Cards Announced! - 12/07/2007</font></strong><br> New Legends of Norrath Expansion Coming Soon – Loot Cards Announced!<br> <br> Attention all EverQuest® and EverQuest® II players! Since the launch of Legends of Norrath™ Oathbound, you have had the opportunity to challenge friends from across the EverQuest community to exciting duels and participate in challenging tournaments with some fantastic rewards.<br> <br> On December 19th, Legends of Norrath Forsworn will be released offering new cards, challenges, and opportunities to defeat your enemies in our popular online Online Strategy Game! What could possibly make new cards and challenges more exciting for EQ and EQII players? New loot cards!<br> <br> Players of EverQuest and EverQuest II will have the chance to find one of forty-four new loot cards in the Forsworn booster packs! That’s right, there are twenty-two new loot cards coming to EQ and EQII each with the launch of Forsworn and, today we are giving everyone a first glimpse at the new cards!<br> <br> New<em>EverQuest</em>loot cards!(以下、名前から適当に分類注釈入れてます)<br> 乗り物<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Bridle-of-the-Crimson-Cragslither.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Bridle of the Crimson Cragslither</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Bridle-of-the-Guardian-Wrulon.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Bridle of the Guardian Wrulon</font></a><br> <br> 武器装飾<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Draconic-Blade-Ornamentation.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draconic Blade Ornamentation</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Draconic-Hammer-Ornamentation.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draconic Hammer Ornamentation</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Draconic-Fist-Ornamentation.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draconic Fist Ornamentation</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Draconic-Great-Blade-Ornamentation.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draconic Great Blade Ornamentation</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Draconic-Great-Hammer-Ornamentation.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draconic Great Hammer Ornamentation</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Draconic-Spear-Ornamentation.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draconic Spear Ornamentation</font></a><br> <br> Buffペット<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Familiar-of-Lady-Vox.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Familiar of Lady Vox</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Familiar-of-Queen-Eletyl.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Familiar of Queen Eletyl</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Familiar-of-Zi-Thuuli-the-Granite-Claw.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Familiar of Zi-Thuuli, the Granite Claw</font></a><br> <br> パーティクルエフェクト(見た目のみ)<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Nimbus-of-Growth.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Nimbus of Growth</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Nimbus-of-the-Faceless.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Nimbus of the Faceless</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Nimbus-of-the-Rain-Keeper.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Nimbus of the Rain Keeper<br></font></a><br> ポーションセット<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Pings-Pellucid-Potion-Pack.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Ping's Pellucid Potion Pack</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Pings-Penetrating-Potion-Pack.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Ping's Penetrating Potion Pack</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Pings-Peregrinating-Potion-Pack.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Ping's Peregrinating Potion Pack</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Pings-Petite-Potion-Pack.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Ping's Petite Potion Pack<br></font></a><br> 変身<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Visage-of-King-Gragnar.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Visage of King Gragnar</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Visage-of-Nillipus.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Visage of Nillipus</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq_forsworn/eq_Visage-of-Queen-Pelzia.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Visage of Queen Pelzia<br></font></a><br> <br> New<em>EverQuest II</em>loot cards!<br> 乗り物<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_A-Dark-Rhino-Hide-Drum.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">A Dark Rhino Hide Drum<br></font></a><a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_A-Pale-Rhino-hide-Mount.jpg"><font color="#002BB8">A Pale Rhino Hide Mount<br></font></a><br> クローク<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Cloak-of-the-Sathirian-Empire.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Cloak of the Sathirian Empire<br></font></a><a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Cloak-of-the-Scale.jpg"><font color="#002BB8">Cloak of the Scale</font></a><br> <br> ポーション<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Draught-of-Vitality.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Draught of Vitality</font></a><br> <br> 装備品?<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Jesters-Cap.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Jester's Cap</font></a><br> <br> 変身<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Natures-Recluse.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Nature's Recluse</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Reets-Revenge.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Reet's Revenge</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Yha-lei-Ferocity.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Yha-lei Ferocity</font></a><br> <br> 家具<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Painting-Band-of-the-Chosen.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Painting: Band of the Chosen</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Painting-Basilisk-Poison.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Painting: Basilisk Poison</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Painting-Lord-Nagafen.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Painting: Lord Nagafen</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Painting-Lucan-Dlere.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Painting: Lucan D'Lere</font></a><br> <br> 対PC投擲アイテム?<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Simons-Simple-Pie-Rack.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Simon's Simple Pie Rack<br> <br></font></a><font color="#000000">手装飾系<br></font><a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Vapor-Gloves.jpg"><font color="#002BB8">Vapor Gloves</font></a><a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Simons-Simple-Pie-Rack.jpg"><br></a><br> 目から火が出る<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Vision-of-the-Deep.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Vision of the Deep</font></a><br> <br> ???<br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Gigglegibber-Giggle-Giver.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Gigglegibber Giggle Giver</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Rent-Voucher.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Rent Voucher</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Rune-of-Portals.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Rune of Portals</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Renegade-Fist.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Renegade Fist</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Personal-Theme-Music-Lavastorm.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Personal Theme Music, Lavastorm</font></a><br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/rewards/eq2_forsworn/eq2_Seafury-Buccaneer.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Seafury Buccaneer</font></a><br> <br> It’s a great time to play<em>Legends of Norrath</em>and not too late for those who have not explored the<em>Oathbound</em>card set to see everything the game has to offer. For more news and information about the new<em>Forsworn</em>expansion, please visit the<em><a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/" target="_blank"><font color= "#5A3696">Legends of Norrath</font></a></em>official website.<br> <br> ちょっとこれは…色々楽しみなラインナップです。<br> <a href="http://www39.atwiki.jp/legendofnorrath/pages/23.html"><font color= "#5A3696">Loot Card</font></a>の方を(Expantionごとに)再構成してまとめておきます。<br> 詳細は18日以降、Posted Tradeで確認、ですね。<br> EQ2の良く分かんないアイテムが気になります。<br> <br> 数えてみると各20以上あるようなので、いくつかはPromo-Lootである可能性も・・・<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Legends of Norrath Championship Qualifires Begin! - 12/08/2007<br></font></strong>Saturday, December 15th at approximately 10:00 AM PST will feature the first of a series of Legends of Norrath Championship Qualifiers. Each of these two-day qualifying tournaments will feature the best and brightest Legends of Norrath players, as they compete for an approximately $5,000 USD prize pool, a spot at the Championship event at Gen Con Indy, their likeness on an upcoming Legends of Norrath game card, and more!<br> <br> Day one of each Legends of Norrath Championship Qualifier will consist of one or more heats that will be Match Play (2 of 3 games) Swiss tournaments. The top 16 players from day one will move on to day two for a shot at the monthly title. Day two will be a single tournament that features the top 16 players from day one in a Match Play (2-3) Swiss tournament. At the end of four rounds of play, the top two players will face off in a single winner-take-all Match Play (2-3) game to determine the qualifier champion!<br> <br> Each Legends of Norrath Championship Qualifier has NO ENTRY FEE, so get your best deck ready today!<br> <br> Event Details:<br> <br> December Legends of Norrath Championship Qualifier<br> Date: Saturday, December 15-16, 2007<br> Time: Starts Saturday the 15th at 10:00 AM PST<br> Entry Fee: No Entry Fee<br> Format/Deck: Standard Constructed Match Play (2-3)<br> 1st Place: $500 USD, "Bye" into the 2008 Legends of Norrath Championships, paid air travel to Gen Con Indy, 4-day Gen Con Indy badge, and the winner's likeness on an upcoming Legends of Norrath game card.<br> 2nd Place: $750 USD<br> 3rd – 5th Place: $400 USD<br> 6th – 11th Place: $200 USD<br> 12th – 15th Place: $75 USD<br> 16th Place: $50 USD<br> CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE THE OFFICIAL RULES AT Official Tournament Rules FOR MORE DETAILS. Residents outside the US are not eligible to participate. All winners will need to fill out any applicable eligibility and tax forms before any rewards are given. <br> <br> "Entry Fee: No Entry Fee"にちょっとドキっとしましたが…結局"Residents outside the US are not eligible to participate. "なわけで。<br> (US-Onlyなので、日本からは参加できません。)<br> 賞金付きLoNトーナメント、ということで、結構気になる話ですが、スルーで問題ない話題でした。<br> 一等500$・・・<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">TCGPlayer.com Forsworn Preview: Exchange - 12/07/2007</font></strong><br> TCGPlayer.com will be featuring a preview of the Forsworn card Exchange this week, with an article by Paul Dennen, Senior Game Designer at Sony Online Entertainment Denver. Be sure to<a href= "http://www.tcgplayer.com/db/game_review.asp?AID=2048&amp;PID=226&amp;DBID=4"><font color="#002BB8">check it out</font></a>!<br> <br> またまたTCGPlayer.comからのプレビュー紹介です。<br> 今回は一件地味なアビリティの紹介ですが…<br> 単純に、余ったItemカードをドロー1枚分に変換してくれるちょっとうれしい1枚です。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Forsworn Preview: Eluviel's Breastplate - 12/06/2007</font></strong><br> by Paul Dennen, Senior Game Designer<br> <br> Eluviel is the fourth and final Oathbound hero to strut down the catwalk this week. We've taken a look at Karlemayn's bizarre new eyewear, and snuck a peak at powerful two-hand weapons for both Terin and Cyndra. Eluviel's item is, frankly, not quite as "showy" as those items were, so he is not likely to win any innovation awards for this one. But sometimes practicality is important. And sometimes the details can make or break an item's worth.<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Eluviels-Breastplate.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Eluviel's Breastplate<br></font></a><br> Check out that pose. It's a contender for the cover of the first romance novel based on Legends of Norrath, though I'd bet that Cyndra would win that battle.<br> <br> Anyway, as I was saying: the value is in the details. At first glance, this is a decent item, capable of defending and healing your avatar, similar to Oathbound's Ethereal Remedy ability. And it can also heal your units in a pinch. However, the coolest thing about Eluviel's Breastplate is that it doesn't just heal your avatar -- it can heal any friendly avatar. What this means is that your allies will love you in a multiplayer game.<br> <br> I really want to tell you about multiplayer games, because they're fun and I'm excited by them! However, that is our topic for next week's previews, so adios until then, and have a good weekend.<br> <br> Discuss this card in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?start=0&amp;topic_id=6310"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> Avatar装備紹介、最後の1つです。<br> さすがにプリースト、ファイター用の回復機能付きアーマーよりも使い勝手は良さそうです。<br> プリーストも、Forswornが出たところで、ようやくクレリック的な硬いヒーラーになれそうです。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">[Forumより]Global Collect</font></strong><br> ちょっと重要っぽい情報なのでひとつ。<br> Subject: Re:Global Collect<br> Sorry the dates on these efforts have slipped - but there's light at the end of the tunnel!  Here's the latest update:<br> <br> With the launch of the localized Legends of Norrath card store (<strong>in conjunction with the release of Forsworn on 12/18</strong>, new methods of payment will be available for customers in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Luxemborg, Portugal, United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland.<br> <br> Specifically, the following methods of payment will be:<br> <br> American Express (EUR, GBP,AUD, DKK, SEK, NOK, CHF)<br> <br> Carte Bleue (EUR in France)<br> <br> Dankort (DKK in Denmark)<br> <br> Delta, Switch, Solo (GBP in UK)<br> <br> JCB (JPY, EUR, GBP)<br> <br> MasterCard (EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, DKK, SEK, NOK, CHF)<br> <br> Visa, Visa Electron (EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, DKK, SEK, NOK, CHF)<br> <br> Direct Debit (Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Spain)</p> <p>Message edited by Scarlatch on 12/03/2007 15:41:53.<br> <br> ポイント1:<strong><strike>in conjunction with the release of Forsworn on 12/18…Forswornリリースは12/18!</strike></strong><br> ポイント2:JPY=日本円での支払い方法は<strong>JCB/MasterCard/Visa</strong>で。<br> <br> Forswornリリース日、ちょっと今まで見かけなかったので気になってました。<br> (探してなかった、とも言いますが。)<br> ともかく、曲がりなりにも公式発表ということで、<strike>18日(もちろん現地時間)は要チェックです</strike>。<br> ※修正…その後更新されたEvent Calendarからの情報。<br> <strong>Forswornリリースは12/20 10:00(JST)!</strong><br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Forsworn Preview: Terin's Battle Axe - 12/06/2007</font></strong><br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Preemptive Strike<br></font></strong><br> by Evan "Heimlich" Lorentz, Game Designer at SOE Denver<br> <br> Terin's special item card in Forsworn is none other than his ever-present double-bladed battle axe. As the most in your face, "beat 'em up" of the major Oathbound characters, one could hardly expect something else. <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Terins-Battle-Axe.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Terin's Battle Axe</font></a><br> <br> As a 6-cost Shadow weapon, this might be seen as the mirror of Fiery Avenger. And given how many players were quick to include that card in their strategies despite the high cost, this weapon could show up quite a bit once Forsworn releases.<br> <br> You could say this weapon really has a +2 damage bonus rather than a +1, given the nature of its game text. But it's so much more than that. First, you have the ability to direct that damage as you wish, rather than as your opponent would distribute it. Secondly, you deal this damage right at the start of combat rather than at the end.<br> <br> Those powers together mean you can often get rid of a meddlesome unit before it has the chance to do anything to you in combat. Work the Battle Axe into one of the popular avatar-vs-avatar strategies, and you can get an extra damage in every time you play Assault. Just leave it sitting ready in your items area, and you may give your opponent pause before he decides to start a raid against you. And there are a couple new cards in Forsworn (including one of the new avatar texts) that work particularly well with it too!<br> <br> Discuss this card in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?start=0&amp;topic_id=6283"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> 効果:このアバターを含む戦闘が発生し、その際、このアイテムがReadyならば、Combatant1体に1ダメージ。<br> <br> Igneous Adept対策としては申し分ない、むしろ「特効:Igneous Adept」とでも書いておきたい1枚です。<br> Cost6の両手武器なので・・・まぁ、うっかり序盤に出ると恐ろしいもんだなぁ、という程度なんですが。<br> <br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Keep Your Account Safe - 12/05/2007</font></strong><br> さすがに翻訳された記事がありました→<a href= "http://eq2players.station.sony.com/jp/news_archive_content.vm?section=News&amp;id=450&amp;locale=ja_JP"><font color="#002BB8">こちら</font></a><br> 原文を読みたい方はとりあえず→<a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/community.vm"><font color= "#002BB8">こちら</font></a><br> <br> Never trust a troll in a dress. →ドレスを着た荒らしを信頼しないこと。<br> (駄目な方向に)絶妙な超訳されてたりしてますが、別にトロルは悪くないです。こっそり振ったネタをスルーする翻訳担当が悪いんです。<br> <br> とにかく、<br> ・アカウントは共有しない<br> ・安易にパスワードをメモったり、教えたりしない<br> くらいは頭に入れておきましょう。<br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Loot + Prizes = Awesome Tournament Weekend! - 12/05/2007</font></strong><br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Enter these Double Threat Tournament Weekends Now!</font></strong><br> <br> SOE will be hosting a weekend of major tournament events where players can receive extraordinary promotional cards and in-game loot rewards! New "Loot Tournament Weekend" tournament queues, where players can receive new promotional and loot cards will be running all weekend long. Each event will start when all slots have filled in the tournament.<br> <br> Each player who participates in one of these tournaments will receive a Firiona Vie, Guardian of Growth (1P8) promotional card (illustrated by Jim Lee) and a choice of either an EverQuest® Visage of Queen Pyrilonis or EverQuest® II Burning Touch loot card! Please note that participation is limited to U.S. residents only. <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Firiona-Vie.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Firiona Vie</font></a><br> <br> Visage of Queen Pyrilonis: Illusion of Queen Pyrilonis with a fire damage shield. <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Visage-of-Queen-Pyrilonis.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Visage of Queen Pyrilonis</font></a><br> <br> Burning Touch: Shapechanges the user into a skeleton, and provides a shield which damages any melee attacker. <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Burning-Touch.jpg"><font color="#002BB8"> Burning Touch</font></a><br> <br> To play in one of these events, head over to the tournament lobby on December 8th and/or 9th and join the next available tournament queue. Below are specific details of this event and what you may expect.</p> <p>Tournament Times</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">Beginning at 7:00 a.m. (PST) on Saturday, December 8, 2007 and continuing through 9:00 p.m. (PST) Sunday, December 9, 2007.</font></strong></p> <p>Loot Tournament Weekend Event</p> <p>Entry Fee: 10 Event Passes (every player will receive at least 3 booster packs plus two (2) limited cards for participating!)<br> Format/Deck: Standard Constructed<br> Queue Size: 128-Player<br> 1st Place: Nine (9) Oathbound Booster Packs<br> 2nd Place: Seven (7) Oathbound Booster Packs<br> 3rd Place: Six (6) Oathbound Booster Packs<br> 4th Place: Six (6) Oathbound Booster Packs<br> 5th - 32nd Place: Four (4) Oathbound Booster Packs<br> Remaining Entrants: Three (3) Oathbound Booster Packs<br> Each player will receive a Firiona Vie, Guardian of Growth (1P8) promo card (illustrated by Jim Lee) and a choice of either a Visage of Queen Pyrilonis (1EQP3) or Burning Touch (1EQIIP3) promotional loot card.</p> <p>So come and play -- starting December 8th. We look forward to seeing you there! <br> <br> US onlyなので詳細には触れませんが、1つ重要なのがFiriona Vie。<br> Posted Tradeにもすでに出ていますが、Promo Packが用意されています。<br> おそらく、Lucan Pack同様、トーナメント前後に販売される感じでしょうか。<br> <br> <br> <strong><font color="#FF0000">Forsworn Preview: Karlemayn's Arcane Lenses - 12/05/2007</font></strong><br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Forecast: Cold Snap Coming</font></strong><br> by Chuck Kallenbach, Game Designer<br> <br> Poor little Karlemayn. Our masterful Gnomish mistress of cold magics doesn't show up on the splash screen for the game, but she's a starter deck avatar and she's often depicted in Mage card illustrations, so I'm sure you've seen her before. <br> <br> Like many Gnomes, our Karly is a bit of a tinkerer, so her Oathbound mask is more of a mechanical goggle contraption than a simple piece of cloth. We provide her with a new version of those lenses in an item card for Forsworn. Each iconic Oathbound character gets a new toy in our first expansion set. (Of course, you can use this card in any Mage deck!) <br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Karlemayns-Arcane-Lenses.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Karlemayn's Arcane Lenses<br></font></a><br> At last! Something that uses the "cold" trait! Once you get the Arcane Lenses on, your cold cards become much easier to play. It's not the same as a flat 2-power discount, since you need the power to play a card before you gain the bonus power. That makes it more of a mid-game strategy, but once it gets going, it's powerful.<br> <br> Of course, Glaicer Bears are an automatic inclusion. Pay 2 to play one, get 2 back -- lather, rinse, repeat. Aqueous Stalkers is also a natural fit, and will usually give you 2 or 3 defense (remember it only works for abilities, so no bonus from the Lenses).<br> <br> You'll be using Column of Ice and Shards of Ice in this deck as well. Playtesting has shown that you can only do so much with the exertion effects of cold magic, so instead of Frost Spiral I put in a few copies of Sunstrike for the killing blow.<br> <br> Another card that gets better in this deck is Staff of the Observers, with all that exertion going on. In Forsworn, you'll find a new Hidden ability for cold Mages, and a big, beefy unit with the cold trait that fits in well with your strategy of exertion.<br> <br> Discuss this card in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6251"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> 効果:ほかのCold TraitのカードをPlayした際、2のPowerを得る。<br> <br> コスト2以下ならば無限に出せる、という非常に強力な一枚。<br> 引きによっては、1ターンで戦局を引っくり返せそうな様子ですし、出たら早めにSunder撃っておきたいところです。<br> <br> <font color="#FF0000"><strong>Forsworn Preview: Cyndra's Barbed Spear - 12/03/2007</strong></font><br> <strong><font color="#0000FF">Swath of Destruction</font></strong><br> by Chuck Kallenbach, Game Designer<br> <br> All four of our iconic Oathbound characters receive special weapon items in Forsworn. You've seen them wielding these weapons to good effect in the splash screen for the game and numerous card images.<br> <br> Remember, our Oathbound heroes are unusual characters. They're not bound by restrictions like good and evil, or classes. Cyndra is a rogue and a ranger, a brigand and a swashbuckler.<br> <br> Maybe that's why Cyndra often wields a two-handed spear, rather than the usual daggers and swords you'd expect a Scout to use. She has a surly personality, so I'd suggest not asking her about it, or else you might get a first-hand demonstration of how the weapon works!<br> <br> <a href= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/Cyndras-Barbed-Spear.jpg"> <font color="#002BB8">Cyndra's Barbed Spear<br></font></a><br> Cyndra's Barbed Spear is a two-hand weapon, which means you're giving up the Secondary slot to use it. There are actually two new Scout items and seven generic ones (including promos and reward cards) that a Scout can put in the Secondary slot in the plans for Forsworn.<br> <br> However, this weapon can be used when your avatar is defending, and that's something remarkable. We like the concept that two-handed weapons can deal damage to more than one opponent, like swinging a big scythe, and that's what the Barbed Spear can do. If you can survive the unit rush long enough to get this weapon in play, it'll kill off lots of weenie attackers with one exertion.<br> <br> The Barbed Spear combos nicely with a couple of Forsworn cards you haven't seen yet, like an avatar text that readies an item (so you can use the Spear again in your quest phase). There are also two cards that move all opposing units to another quest, which bunches them up nicely for a juicy swath of Barbed Spear destruction.<br> <br> Discuss this card in the<a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=6235"><font color="#002BB8">forums</font></a>.<br> <br> 効果:アバターを含む戦闘開始時に、Exertして相手のCombatantすべてに1ダメージ。<br> <br> とうとうスカウトにも両手持ち武器が…<br> 装備してるだけでもちょっとした牽制になりそうな効果です。</p>

