
アップデートノート/20090812」(2009/08/13 (木) 01:02:10) の最新版変更点



<p><span><span><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span><span><strong>Update Notes for August 12<sup>th</sup>, 2009     <br /> ******************************************</strong></span><span><br /><strong>Gameplay:<br /></strong>- <em>Dagger of Slaying</em> and <em>Blazon Life</em> now work correctly in match play games.<br /><em>- Storm Guard Smith</em> now works properly with <em>Disintegrate</em>.<br /> - <em>Slag Elemental</em> now correctly gives runes to just friendly elementals and will no longer gives itself +1 rune.<br /> - <em>Guard's Legplates</em> will no longer trigger twice when used with <em>Terror of Darkness</em>.<br /> - <em>Tellurian Myrmirdon</em> can no longer use its main phase gametext when this unit is exerted.<br /> - <em>Divine Aura</em></span> <span>will</span> <span>now block linked damage to your avatar.<br /> - <em>Armor of the Sacred</em></span> <span>will</span> <span>no longer destroy one of your own exerted abilities.<br /> - <em>Robe of the Oracle</em> will now work correctly with the <strong>Bulwark</strong> keyword.<br /><br /><strong>General:<br /></strong>- Storm Break decks now validate properly in <em>Storm Break</em>-only format.<br /> - <em>Coilwork Spitter</em> cards incorrectly showing as foils have been replaced with the correct non-foil version.<br /><br /><strong>Text:<br /></strong>- Chat log entry for <em>Tellurian Myrmidon</em> has been corrected.<br /> - <em>Painting: Mayong Mistmoore</em> (5EQ2P2) is now spelled correctly.<br /><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>

