
アップデートノート/20090903」(2009/09/20 (日) 21:00:34) の最新版変更点



<p><span><span><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span><span><strong>Update Notes for 9/3/09<br /></strong>**********************<br /><br /><strong>Gameplay<br /></strong>- <em>Ogre Pillager</em> now correctly works on defense.<br /> - <em>Ogre Veteran</em> can no longer heal an Ogre avatar.<br /> - <em>Ogre Intruder</em> now correctly removes an opposing level token when it loses combat.<br /> - <em>Thrall of Naxxan</em> will now trigger its game text when it is replayed from the discard pile.<br /> - <em>Grim Terror</em> will no longer make a player lose 1 attack when a friendly unit combatant is destroyed.<br /> - <em>Blackjack</em> now correctly gives shadow faction when destroyed during combat.<br /> - Players no longer lose 2 power if their <em>Runed</em> <em>Sash of Fury</em> is destroyed during combat.<br /> - You can now use <em>Tundra Wolf Claws'</em> gametext twice in the same combat if you are able to ready it.<br /><br /><strong>Text<br /></strong>- Fixed chat log errors with <em>Sonic Burst</em> and <em>Robe of the Oracle</em>.<br /><br /><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>

