「Card of the Week: Gnoll Soothsayer」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Card of the Week: Gnoll Soothsayer」(2007/10/02 (火) 01:19:22) の最新版変更点



<div class="blog-post text-justify"> <p><strong>Card of the Week: Gnoll Soothsayer</strong><br> by Chuck "Shocho" Kallenbach</p> <p align="left"><img src= "http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/images/spoilers/GnollSoothsayer.jpg" alt=""></p> <br> <p>You want to talk about a bleak future? Look at this poor guy. <br> <br> His main asset is card drawing, but it comes at the expense of his own health.</p> <p>Drawing cards is important for decks that play lots of cards. <br> <br> The "unit rush deck" is a pretty standard deck type so far. <br> <br> It's easy to build, having about 50 percent units that cost 1 or 2 (a few 3's are okay).</p> <p>Of course, playing that many cheap units, even though you're drawing 2 cards each turn, you can run out of cards after a few turns. <br> <br> Especially if you go first. You need a good, cheap way to get more cards into your hand, and that's where the <em><strong>Gnoll Soothsayer</strong></em> comes into the spotlight.</p> <p>Paying 2 for 2 cards is a good deal, and getting a unit that might just block a raid in the mean time can't hurt. <br> <br> How do you damage this card-drawing Gnoll? Luckily, there are a few methods for accomplishing this curious goal.</p> <p><strong><em>Orc Taskmaster</em></strong> whacks one of your guys when he shows up. Why not slam your Soothsayer and draw a card when he does?</p> <p><strong><em>Orc Fanatic</em></strong> wants to hurt us and them, so you might as well draw a card by directing some friendly pain at your Soothsayer.</p> <p>That crazy <strong><em>Gnoll Shaman</em></strong> really needs some practice with his spell casting, but while he's damaging every unit near him, make sure you have a Soothsayer or two... or three or four, let's draw lots of cards!</p> <p><strong><em>Pummel</em></strong> provides a nice effect, at the cost of 1 damage to one of your combatants. Again, your <em>Gnoll Soothsayer</em> steps up to say, "Hit me first!"</p> <p>Cards are designed to work together to produce combos. <br> <br> When you see what seems to be a drawback like the text of the <em>Gnoll Soothsayer</em>, take a stroll through the deck builder and see if you can find an interesting way to make that work for your deck. <br> <br> This is where you find a lot of the fun in TCGs.</p> <p>Discuss this card in the <a href= "http://forums.station.sony.com/strategygames/posts/list.m?topic_id=4648">forums</a>.<br> <br> <a href="http://www39.atwiki.jp/legendofnorrath/pages/67.html">戻る</a></p> </div>

