7. The Hornet's Nest

Escape the favela.

ゲイリー "ローチ" サンダーソン軍曹

IVR : (字幕なし)
IVR : 申し訳ありません。現在、全ての回線が大変混雑しております。時間を置いてもう一度お掛け直しください。

Ghost : I can't get anyone on the horn.
Ghost : どこも繋がりません。

Captain MacTavish : The Russians must've copied the ACS module. Got the key to every lock in America.  
Captain MacTavish : ロシアはACSを複製していたんだ。アメリカ中の鍵を手に入れたってわけさ。

Ghost : And they're killing a thousand Americans for every dead civilian in Moscow. Looks like we're all outta friends.
Ghost : で、空港で殺された市民の報復に侵攻したと― お陰で我々は孤立無援です。

Captain MacTavish : I know a guy. Let's find a payphone. They still exist?
Captain MacTavish : 一人心当たりがある。公衆電話ってまだあるよな?

Ghost : All we got outta Rojas is that the only guy Makarov hates worse than Americans is locked up in a gulag.
Ghost : ロハスから聞き出せたのは「マカロフが米国人よりも憎んでいる唯一の男がロシアの収容所に居る」ということだけです。

Captain MacTavish : It's all we got. If this con's the bait to catch that psychopath, let's hang him from a tree.
Captain MacTavish : 今はその情報に頼るしかない。そいつを餌にして奴を引きずり出せれば・・・

"The Hornet's Nest"

Day 4 - 16:19
4日目 - 16:19

Sgt. Gary 'Roach' Sanderson
ゲイリー "ローチ" サンダーソン軍曹

Task Force141

Rio de Janeiro, 1700ft A.S.L.
リオデジャネイロ 1700フィート

Ghost : Sir! The militia's closing in. Almost 200 of them,front and back!
Ghost : 前後から武装ギャングが200名ほど迫っています!

Captain MacTavish : We had away to the LZ. Let's go!
Captain MacTavish : 回収地点に向かうぞ!

Ghost : What about Rojas?
Ghost : ロハスの処置は?

Captain MacTavish : Steel take care of him.
Captain MacTavish : 地元の警察に任せよう。

Ghost : Works for me.
Ghost : 賛成です。

Captain MacTavish : Nikolai! We're at the top of the favela surrounded by militia! Bring the chopper to the market,do you copy,over!
Captain MacTavish : ニコライ、ファベーラの最上部でギャングに包囲されている!市場にヘリを寄こしてくれ!

Nikolai : Ok my friend,I am on the way!
Nikolai : 今向かってる。友人は大切にしないとな!

Captain MacTavish : Everyone get ready! Lock and load!
Captain MacTavish : 総員、交戦準備!

Ghost : Let's do this!
Ghost : やってやろうぜ!

Ghost : Tangos at ground level dead ahead!
Ghost : 前方に敵!

Captain MacTavish : We've gotta to the helicopter - head through the gate to the market! Move!
Captain MacTavish : ヘリの所まで移動する!ゲートを抜けて市場に向かえ!

Ghost : Contact! Foot-mobiles on the rooftops,closing in fast from the south!
Ghost : 南の屋上に歩兵!接近中!

Captain MacTavish : Tangos moving in low from the southeast!
Captain MacTavish : 南東より敵複数!

Captain MacTavish : Militia comin out ofthe shackon the left!
Captain MacTavish : 左の小屋から出てきたぞ!

Ghost : Technical comin'in from the south!
Ghost : 南からテクニカル!

Captain MacTavish : We got another technical! Take it out!
Captain MacTavish : もう一台来るぞ!迎撃しろ!

Captain MacTavish : Head through that gate! Keep pushing to the evac point!
Captain MacTavish : ゲートを抜けろ!脱出地点まで押し出すぞ!

Ghost : Go! Go! Go!
Ghost : 行け行け!

Captain MacTavish : Let's go,let's go! We've gotta push through these streets to the market!
Captain MacTavish : 市場まで大通りを一気に押し通るぞ!

Captain MacTavish : Watch for flanking routes!
Captain MacTavish : 脇道に気をつけろ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! Lay down some fire on the intersection!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ!交差路付近の敵を掃討しろ!

Captain MacTavish : Heads up! Alley on the left!
Captain MacTavish : 左の路地に注意しろ!

Captain MacTavish : Keep moving! We're almost at the market!
Captain MacTavish : 前進しろ!あと少しで市場だ!

Captain MacTavish : Squad! Spread out and cut through the market! Move!
Captain MacTavish : 分隊、散開して市場を突っ切るぞ!

Ghost : Contacts above us at 11 o'clock,firing blind!
Ghost : 11時上方に敵!狙い撃ちしてくるぞ!

Captain MacTavish : Tango coming out of the shack on the right!
Captain MacTavish : 右の小屋から敵!

Captain MacTavish : There's Nikolai's Pave Low! Let's go!
Captain MacTavish : ニコライのペイブロウだ!

Captain MacTavish : Nikolai! ETA 20 seconds! Be ready for immediate dustoff!
Captain MacTavish : ニコライ、あと20秒で到着する!準備してくれ!

Nikolai : That may not be fast enough! I see more militia closing in on the market!
Nikolai : あまり余裕はないぞ。ギャングどもが市場に殺到している!

Captain MacTavish : Pick up the pace! Let's go!
Captain MacTavish : 分隊、ペースを上げろ!

Nikolai : It's too hot! We will not survive this landing!
Nikolai : ダメだ!攻撃が激しすぎて着陸できん!

Captain MacTavish : Nikolai,wave off,wave off! We'll meet you at the secondary LZ instead! Go!
Captain MacTavish : ここから離脱しろ!次の回収地点へ向かってくれ!

Nikolai : Very well,I will meet you there! Good luck!
Nikolai : そうしよう。幸運を!

Captain MacTavish : Come on! We've got to get to the rooftops,this way!
Captain MacTavish : こっちだ!屋根へ上がれ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! Get over here and climb up to the rooftops!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ!こっちに来て屋根へ上がれ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! Get up here on the rooftops,let's go!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ!屋根へ上がれ!早く!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! You can climb up over here!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ!ここから上がれるぞ!

Captain MacTavish : Let's go,let's go!
Captain MacTavish : 行け行け!

Nikolai : My friend,from up here,it looks like the whole village is trying to kill you!
Nikolai : 上から見ると、まるで村全体がお前達を殺しにかかってる様だぜ!

Captain MacTavish : Tell me something I don't know! Just get ready to pick us up!
Captain MacTavish : つまらん実況をしてる暇があったら、俺達を拾う準備をしろ!

Ghost : We're running out of rooftop!
Ghost : 屋根が途切れてるぞ!

Captain MacTavish : We can make it! Go go go!
Captain MacTavish : 飛び越えろ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! Roach! Wake up!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ!起きろ!

Ghost : Roach! We can see them from the chopper! They're coming for you,dozens of 'em!
Ghost : ローチ!敵がお前の方に向かっているぞ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! There's too many of them! Get the hell out of there and find a way to the rooftops! Move!
Captain MacTavish : そこから逃げて、もう一度屋根に出ろ!行け!

Captain MacTavish : Roach,what's the holdup,let's go!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ、何をしてる!走れ!

Captain MacTavish : We've got to get out of here,Roach,come on!
Captain MacTavish : ここから脱出するぞ!急げ!

Captain MacTavish : C'mon Roach,we're almost at the chopper!
Captain MacTavish : 走れ!ヘリまであと少しだ!

Captain MacTavish : Run for it! Get to the rooftops!
Captain MacTavish : 屋根に上がれる所まで走れ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach,we're circling the area,but I can't see you! You've got to get to the rooftops!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ、ヘリからだとお前が見えない!何とか屋根の上に出るんだ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! I see you! Jump down to the rooftops and meet us south of your position! Go!
Captain MacTavish : 見えたぞ!屋根伝いに南へ走れ!

Nikolai : Gas is very low! I must leave in thirty seconds!
Nikolai : もう燃料がない!あと30秒しか待てないぞ!

Captain MacTavish : Roach! We're running on fumes here! You got thirty seconds! Run!
Captain MacTavish : ローチ、あと30秒しかない!急げ!

Captain MacTavish : Left! Turn left and jump down!
Captain MacTavish : 左に曲がって飛び降りろ!

Captain MacTavish : Come on!
Captain MacTavish : 急げ!

Captain MacTavish : Jump for it!
Captain MacTavish : 飛び移れ!

Captain MacTavish : Nikolai! We got him! Get us outta here!
Captain MacTavish : ローチを回収したぞ! 離脱しろ!

Nikolai : Where to,my friend?
Nikolai : どこへ向かう?

Captain MacTavish : Just get us to the sub...
Captain MacTavish : 潜水艦だ。

(C)2009 Infinity Ward, Inc.


最終更新:2013年03月15日 02:21