

FREQプロシジャ2」(2008/10/12 (日) 23:56:58) の最新版変更点



&setpagename(FREQプロシジャ) &font(#6633ff,18px){''<文字データの集計>''} 【例題】ある治験での喫煙者の有無を性別ごとに集計する #highlight(sas){ /*テストデータ*/ proc format ; value f_sex 1 = "男" 2 = "女"; value noyes 0 = "NO" 1 = "YES"; run; data test; length sex 8. drug $10 smoke dose 8.; do i = 1 to 112 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 137 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 83 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 141 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 90 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 75 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 86 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 64 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; run;} #highlight(sas){ /*1次元の度数集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables sex smoke / out = out1; /*喫煙者の有無の集計結果のみ出力*/ format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run; proc freq data = test ; tables sex / out = out1_1; /*性別の集計結果*/ tables smoke / out = out1_2;  /*喫煙者の有無の集計結果*/ format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run;} #image( #highlight(sas){ /*2次元のクロス集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables sex * smoke / out = out2; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run;} #image( #highlight(sas){ /*薬剤別、性別と喫煙者の有無のクロス集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables sex * smoke / out = out3; by drug ; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run; proc freq data = test ; tables drug * sex * smoke / out = out4; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run; /*性別と喫煙者の有無別の投与量の集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables drug * sex * smoke / out = out5; weight dose ; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run;} #image( &font(i,b){[[+ FREQプロシジャへのリンク +>FREQプロシジャ]]} #hr(height=1,color=#002bb8)
&setpagename(FREQプロシジャ) &font(#6633ff,18px){''<文字データの集計>''} 【例題】ある治験での喫煙者の有無を性別ごとに集計する #highlight(sas){ /*テストデータ*/ proc format ; value f_sex 1 = "男" 2 = "女"; value noyes 0 = "NO" 1 = "YES"; run; data test; length sex 8. drug $10 smoke dose 8.; do i = 1 to 112 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 137 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 83 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 141 ; drug = "medicine" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 90 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 75 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 1 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 86 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 0 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; do i = 1 to 64 ; drug = "plasebo" ; sex = 2 ; smoke = 1 ; dose = 2 ; output; end; run;} #highlight(sas){ /*1次元の度数集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables sex smoke / out = out1; /*喫煙者の有無の集計結果のみ出力*/ format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run; proc freq data = test ; tables sex / out = out1_1; /*性別の集計結果*/ tables smoke / out = out1_2;  /*喫煙者の有無の集計結果*/ format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run;} #image( #highlight(sas){ /*2次元のクロス集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables sex * smoke / out = out2; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run;} #image( #highlight(sas){ /*薬剤別、性別と喫煙者の有無のクロス集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables sex * smoke / out = out3; by drug ; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run; proc freq data = test ; tables drug * sex * smoke / out = out4; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run; /*性別と喫煙者の有無別の投与量の集計*/ proc freq data = test ; tables drug * sex * smoke / out = out5; weight dose ; format sex f_sex. smoke noyes.; run;} #image( &font(i,b){[[+ FREQプロシジャへのリンク +>FREQプロシジャ]]} #hr(height=1,color=#002bb8)




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