「SF Fabled Item Drop/The Vigilant」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

SF Fabled Item Drop/The Vigilant」(2010/05/31 (月) 01:05:12) の最新版変更点



#contents() ----- *The Vigilant: Incursion **Vice Vigoth Sanad Belt of Lightning Quick Daggers \aITEM -1533556758 1352075852:Belt of Lightning Quick Daggers\/a &ref(Belt of Lightning Quick Daggers.jpg) Belt of the Crimson Demon \aITEM -866372614 1106573314:Belt of the Crimson Demon\/a &ref(Belt of the Crimson Demon.jpg) Hoop of Shadowed Traversing \aITEM -1434199438 500671675:Hoop of Shadowed Traversing\/a &ref(Hoop of Shadowed Traversing.jpg) Crimson Band of Zek \aITEM -11499334 1469982536:Crimson Band of Zek\/a &ref(Crimson Band of Zek.jpg) サナドの兜 \aITEM -690156124 898243377:サナドの兜\/a &ref(Sanado.jpg) Ring of the Vice Vigoth \aITEM 1763120617 384741849:Ring of the Vice Vigoth\/a &ref(Ring of the Vice Vigoth.jpg) *The Vigilant: Infiltration **Vigoth Rodnan Ring of Evisceration \aITEM 1667939701 -444473507:Ring of Evisceration\/a &ref(Ring of Evisceration.jpg) Rodnan's Ring of Undaunted Power \aITEM -1753494553 714211205:Rodnan's Ring of Undaunted Power\/a &ref(Rodnan's Ring of Undaunted Power.jpg) Channeled Band of the War Blade \aITEM -1687052952 1229782775:Channeled Band of the War Blade\/a &ref(Channeled Band of the War Blade.jpg) Vigoth's Spiked Hoop of Spite \aITEM 930707167 258695098:Vigoth's Spiked Hoop of Spite\/a &ref(Vigoth's Spiked Hoop of Spite.jpg) Coif of the War Blade \aITEM -1819003615 1614058481:Coif of the War Blade\/a &ref(Coif of the War Blade.jpg) Torque of the War Blade \aITEM -605087359 1794787186:Torque of the War Blade\/a &ref(Torque of the War Blade.jpg) *The Vigilant: Rescue **Marus Xand Cloak of Marus Xand \aITEM 1349191604 -519568680:Cloak of Marus Xand\/a &ref(Cloak of Marus Xand.jpg) Signet of the Marus \aITEM -1628724062 -1899850264:Signet of the Marus\/a &ref(Signet of the Marus.jpg) Nirel's Military Signet of Zek \aITEM 456352142 266141095:Nirel's Military Signet of Zek\/a &ref(Nirel's Military Signet of Zek.jpg) Belt of the Legion Leader's Medic \aITEM 1616412981 1623985500:Belt of the Legion Leader's Medic\/a &ref(Belt of the Legion Leader's Medic.jpg) Tallonite War Sword \aITEM 1661833801 -1728468215:Tallonite War Sword\/a &ref(Tallonite War Sword.jpg) Blade of Marus Xand \aITEM -522571547 -521879691:Blade of Marus Xand\/a &ref(Blade of Marus Xand.jpg) Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest \aITEM -1980729212 1804467609:Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest\/a &ref(Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest.jpg) ---- 上記以外でDropを確認した場合、ご存知の場合は、 対象Mobと、アイテムコードをコメントしていただければ更新します。 - 侵略に[サナドの兜]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 09:25:53) - 侵略に[Ring of the Vice Vigoth ]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:20:32) - 潜入に[Coif of the War Blade][Torque of the War Blade]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:24:24) - 救出に[Tallonite War Sword][Blade of Marus Xand][Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:29:43) - 救出BOSSだけ、Dropga7種類になってるので、なんか怪しい。。。 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:30:19) #comment ---- page view total:&counter(total) / today:&counter(today) / yesterday:&counter(yesterday)
#contents() ----- *The Vigilant: Incursion **Vice Vigoth Sanad Belt of Lightning Quick Daggers \aITEM -1533556758 1352075852:Belt of Lightning Quick Daggers\/a &ref(Belt of Lightning Quick Daggers.jpg) Belt of the Crimson Demon \aITEM -866372614 1106573314:Belt of the Crimson Demon\/a &ref(Belt of the Crimson Demon.jpg) Hoop of Shadowed Traversing \aITEM -1434199438 500671675:Hoop of Shadowed Traversing\/a &ref(Hoop of Shadowed Traversing.jpg) Crimson Band of Zek \aITEM -11499334 1469982536:Crimson Band of Zek\/a &ref(Crimson Band of Zek.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)サナドの兜 \aITEM -690156124 898243377:サナドの兜\/a &ref(Sanado.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)Ring of the Vice Vigoth \aITEM 1763120617 384741849:Ring of the Vice Vigoth\/a &ref(Ring of the Vice Vigoth.jpg) *The Vigilant: Infiltration **Vigoth Rodnan Ring of Evisceration \aITEM 1667939701 -444473507:Ring of Evisceration\/a &ref(Ring of Evisceration.jpg) Rodnan's Ring of Undaunted Power \aITEM -1753494553 714211205:Rodnan's Ring of Undaunted Power\/a &ref(Rodnan's Ring of Undaunted Power.jpg) Channeled Band of the War Blade \aITEM -1687052952 1229782775:Channeled Band of the War Blade\/a &ref(Channeled Band of the War Blade.jpg) Vigoth's Spiked Hoop of Spite \aITEM 930707167 258695098:Vigoth's Spiked Hoop of Spite\/a &ref(Vigoth's Spiked Hoop of Spite.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)Coif of the War Blade \aITEM -1819003615 1614058481:Coif of the War Blade\/a &ref(Coif of the War Blade.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)Torque of the War Blade \aITEM -605087359 1794787186:Torque of the War Blade\/a &ref(Torque of the War Blade.jpg) *The Vigilant: Rescue **Marus Xand Cloak of Marus Xand \aITEM 1349191604 -519568680:Cloak of Marus Xand\/a &ref(Cloak of Marus Xand.jpg) Signet of the Marus \aITEM -1628724062 -1899850264:Signet of the Marus\/a &ref(Signet of the Marus.jpg) Nirel's Military Signet of Zek \aITEM 456352142 266141095:Nirel's Military Signet of Zek\/a &ref(Nirel's Military Signet of Zek.jpg) Belt of the Legion Leader's Medic \aITEM 1616412981 1623985500:Belt of the Legion Leader's Medic\/a &ref(Belt of the Legion Leader's Medic.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)Tallonite War Sword \aITEM 1661833801 -1728468215:Tallonite War Sword\/a &ref(Tallonite War Sword.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)Blade of Marus Xand \aITEM -522571547 -521879691:Blade of Marus Xand\/a &ref(Blade of Marus Xand.jpg) &ref(GU56.gif)Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest \aITEM -1980729212 1804467609:Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest\/a &ref(Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest.jpg) ---- 上記以外でDropを確認した場合、ご存知の場合は、 対象Mobと、アイテムコードをコメントしていただければ更新します。 - 侵略に[サナドの兜]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 09:25:53) - 侵略に[Ring of the Vice Vigoth ]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:20:32) - 潜入に[Coif of the War Blade][Torque of the War Blade]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:24:24) - 救出に[Tallonite War Sword][Blade of Marus Xand][Xand's Hammer of Zekian Conquest]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:29:43) - 救出BOSSだけ、Dropga7種類になってるので、なんか怪しい。。。 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 18:30:19) #comment ---- page view total:&counter(total) / today:&counter(today) / yesterday:&counter(yesterday)

