Vasty Deep



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Vasty Deep: The Conservatory

Delahnus the Dauntless

Bangle of the Mysterious Sea Dragon
\aITEM -1712248944 1667904161:Bangle of the Mysterious Sea Dragon\/a

Prexian Idol of Storms and Rage
\aITEM -1626477751 2002535522:Prexian Idol of Storms and Rage\/a

Cloak of the Onayan Battle Mage
\aITEM -1532181905 529950073:Cloak of the Onayan Battle Mage\/a

Delahnus' Cloak of Oceanic Knowledge
\aITEM -260800446 402385439:Delahnus' Cloak of Oceanic Knowledge\/a

Sword of the Vasty Matriarch
\aITEM -556444531 -1193592039:Sword of the Vasty Matriarch\/a

Onayan Sash of Tears
\aITEM -1508204556 619415172:Onayan Sash of Tears\/a

Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs

Grodinor & Perah'Celsis

Bangle of the Collected Warlords
\aITEM -76317122 639406032:Bangle of the Collected Warlords\/a

Wrist of Unparalleled Visions
\aITEM 1682525434 -85370327:Wrist of Unparalleled Visions\/a

Essence of Utter Insanity
\aITEM 1206987347 -1889507223:Essence of Utter Insanity\/a

Bracelet of Visionary Insanity
\aITEM 1382592464 230472684:Bracelet of Visionary Insanity\/a

Bracelet of Lost Sanity
\aITEM 2122064777 413327455:Bracelet of Lost Sanity\/a

Ring of Perah'Celsis
\aITEM 830311106 508456916:Ring of Perah'Celsis\/a

Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella

Queen Gwarthlea

Bracelet of Venomous Might
\aITEM 1714212233 -1360112357:Bracelet of Venomous Might\/a

Gwarthlea's Fang
\aITEM 1026348150 58640024:Gwarthlea's Fang\/a

Gwarthlea's Hoop of Matriarchy
\aITEM 873456196 1146567372:Gwarthlea's Hoop of Matriarchy\/a

Gwarthlea's Gem of Venom
\aITEM -1124200692 -1860335945:Gwarthlea's Gem of Venom\/a

Gwarthlea's Head
\aITEM -1372745641 -96906238:Gwarthlea's Head\/a

Blade of Venomous Decapitation
\aITEM 792647824 -410616589:Blade of Venomous Decapitation\/a

  • The Conservatoryに[Sword of the Vasty Matriarch][Onayan Sash of Tears]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-29 18:46:25)
  • ラボに[Bracelet of Lost Sanity][Ring of Perah'Celsis]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 20:06:28)
  • セラに[Gwarthlea's Head][Blade of Venomous Decapitation]を追加 -- Lazu (2010-05-30 20:11:16)

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